.. _develop_ref: conda develop ============= .. raw:: html
   CONDA(1)                         User Commands                        CONDA(1)



          conda - conda develop



          usage:  conda-develop  [-h]  [-npf] [-b] [-c] [-u] [-n ENVIRONMENT | -p

                 PATH [PATH ...]

          Install a Python package in 'development mode'.

          This works by creating a conda.pth file in site-packages.



      positional arguments:
          PATH   Path to the source directory.

      optional arguments:
          -h, --help
                 Show this help message and exit.

          -npf, --no-pth-file
                 Relink compiled extension dependencies against  libraries  found
                 in current conda env. Do not add source to conda.pth.

          -b, --build_ext
                 Build  extensions  inplace,  invoking: python setup.py build_ext
                 --inplace; add to conda.pth; relink runtime libraries  to  envi-
                 ronment's lib/.

          -c, --clean
                 Invoke  clean  on  setup.py:  python  setup.py  clean  use  with
                 build_ext to clean before building.

          -u, --uninstall
                 Removes package if installed in 'development mode'  by  deleting
                 path  from conda.pth file. Ignore other options - just uninstall
                 and exit

          -n ENVIRONMENT, --name ENVIRONMENT
                 Name of environment.

          -p PATH, --prefix PATH
                 Full path to environment prefix.

      conda commands available from other packages:
                 build build-all convert develop env  index  inspect  metapackage
                 render server sign skeleton smithy tracker verify

   Anaconda, Inc.                     June 2018                          CONDA(1)