.. _inspect linkages_ref: conda inspect linkages ====================== .. raw:: html
CONDA(1) User Commands CONDA(1)
conda - conda inspect linkages
usage: conda-inspect linkages [-h] [--untracked] [--show-files] [--groupby {package,dependency}] [--sysroot SYSROOT] [--all] [-n ENVIRONMENT | -p PATH] [packages [packages ...]] Investigates linkages of binary libraries in a package (works in Linux and OS X). This is an advanced command to aid building packages that link against C libraries. Aggregates the output of ldd (on Linux) and otool -L (on OS X) by dependent packages. Useful for finding broken links, or links against system libraries that ought to be dependent conda packages.
positional arguments: packages Conda packages to inspect. optional arguments: -h, --help Show this help message and exit. --untracked Inspect the untracked files in the environment. This is useful when used in conjunction with conda build --build-only. --show-files Show the files in the package that link to each library --groupby {package,dependency} Attribute to group by (default: package). Useful when used in conjunction with --all. --sysroot SYSROOT System root in which to look for system libraries. --all Generate a report for all packages in the environment. -n ENVIRONMENT, --name ENVIRONMENT Name of environment. -p PATH, --prefix PATH Full path to environment prefix. Anaconda, Inc. June 2018 CONDA(1)