.. _skeleton luarocks_ref: conda skeleton luarocks ======================= .. raw:: html
   CONDA(1)                         User Commands                        CONDA(1)



          conda - conda skeleton luarocks



          usage: conda-skeleton luarocks [-h] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR]

          [--version VERSION] [--recursive]
                 packages [packages ...]

      positional arguments:
                 luarocks packages to create recipe skeletons for.

      optional arguments:
          -h, --help
                 Show this help message and exit.

          --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                 Directory to write recipes to (default: .).

          --version VERSION
                 Version to use. Applies to all packages.

                 Create recipes for dependencies if they do not already exist.

   Anaconda, Inc.                     June 2018                          CONDA(1)