Activate scripts

Recipes are allowed to have activate scripts which will be sourced or called when the environment is activated. It is generally recommended to avoid using activate scripts when another option is possible because people do not always activate environments the expected way and these packages may then misbehave.

When using them in a recipe, feel free to name them activate.bat,, deactivate.bat, and in the recipe. The installed scripts are recommended to be prefixed by the package name and a separating -.

Below is some sample code for Unix and Windows that will make this install process easier.


# Copy the [de]activate scripts to $PREFIX/etc/conda/[de]activate.d.
# This will allow them to be run on environment activation.
for CHANGE in "activate" "deactivate"
    mkdir -p "${PREFIX}/etc/conda/${CHANGE}.d"
    cp "${RECIPE_DIR}/${CHANGE}.sh" "${PREFIX}/etc/conda/${CHANGE}.d/${PKG_NAME}_${CHANGE}.sh"

In build.bat:

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: Copy the [de]activate scripts to %PREFIX%\etc\conda\[de]activate.d.
:: This will allow them to be run on environment activation.
for %%F in (activate deactivate) DO (
    if not exist %PREFIX%\etc\conda\%%F.d mkdir %PREFIX%\etc\conda\%%F.d
    copy %RECIPE_DIR%\%%F.bat %PREFIX%\etc\conda\%%F.d\%PKG_NAME%_%%F.bat
    :: Copy unix shell activation scripts, needed by Windows Bash users
    copy %RECIPE_DIR%\ %PREFIX%\etc\conda\%%F.d\