====================== Using shared libraries ====================== Shared libraries are libraries that are loosely coupled to the programs and extensions that depend on them. When loading an executable into memory, an operating system finds all dependent shared libraries and links them to the executable so that it can run. Windows, macOS, and Linux all provide a way to build executables and libraries that contain links to the shared libraries they depend on, instead of directly linking the libraries themselves. Shared libraries in Windows =========================== Unlike macOS and Linux, Windows does not have the concept of embedding links into binaries. Instead, Windows depends primarily on searching directories for matching filenames, as documented in `Search Path Used by Windows to Locate a DLL `_. There is an alternate configuration, called `side-by-side assemblies `_, that requires specification of DLL versions in either an embedded manifest or an appropriately named XML file alongside the binary in question. Conda does not currently use side-by-side assemblies, but it may turn towards that in the future to resolve complications with multiple versions of the same library on the same system. For now, most DLLs are installed into ``(install prefix)\\Library\\bin``. This path is added to ``os.environ["PATH"]`` for all Python processes, so that DLLs can be located, regardless of the value of the system's PATH environment variable. .. note:: PATH is searched from left to right, with the first DLL name match being picked up, in the absence of a manifest specifying otherwise. This means that installing software with other matching DLLs may give you a system that crashes in unpredictable ways. When troubleshooting or asking for support on Windows, always consider PATH as a potential source of issues. Shared libraries in macOS and Linux =================================== In macOS and Linux, dynamic links are discovered in a similar manner to the way that Python modules are discovered via PYTHONPATH, and executables are discovered via PATH. A list of search locations is made, and then the library objects are searched for in the search locations. By default, as well as by design, the system dynamic linker does not have any special preference for the conda environment ``lib`` directories. You can specify both absolute links and relative links. If the links are absolute paths, such as ``/Users/UserName/my_build_env``, the library works only on a system where that exact path exists. Therefore, relative links are preferred in conda packages. Relative links require a special variable in the link itself: * On Linux, the $ORIGIN variable allows you to specify "relative to this file as it is being executed". * On macOS, the variables are: * @rpath---Allows you to set relative links from the system load paths. * @loader_path---Equivalent to $ORIGIN. * @executable_path---Supports the Apple ``.app`` directory approach, where libraries know where they live relative to their calling application. Conda-build uses @loader_path on macOS and $ORIGIN on Linux because we install into a common root directory and can assume that other libraries are also installed into that root. The use of the variables allows you to build relocatable binaries that can be built on one system and sent everywhere. On Linux, ``conda-build`` modifies any shared libraries or generated executables to use a relative dynamic link by calling the patchelf tool. On macOS, the install_name_tool tool is used. .. warning:: Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on macOS can interfere with this because the dynamic linker short-circuits link resolution by first looking at LD_LIBRARY_PATH. EXAMPLE: You install an old version of libcurl into your conda environment due to some compatibility issues with the code you're using. Then, you set ``export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/UserName/envs/curl_env/lib``. From that point on, every program that you execute in that session will favor this libcurl to your system libcurl because it is now effectively at the "front" of the dynamic load path. Including conda environment paths in LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is not recommended.