
The conda plugin manger extends pluggy's default plugin manager with a number of conda-specific features.

class CondaPluginManager(project_name: str | None = None, *args, **kwargs)

The conda plugin manager to implement behavior additional to pluggy's default plugin manager.

get_cached_solver_backend = None

Cached version of the get_solver_backend() method.

get_hook_results(name: str) list

Return results of the plugin hooks with the given name and raise an error if there is an conflict.

get_solver_backend(name: str = None) type[Solver]

Get the solver backend with the given name (or fall back to the name provided in the context).

See context.solver for more details.

Please use the cached version of this method called get_cached_solver_backend() for high-throughput code paths which is set up as a instance-specific LRU cache.

load_plugins(*plugins) list[str]

Load the provided list of plugins and fail gracefully on error. The provided list plugins can either be classes or modules with hook_impl.

load_setuptools_entrypoints(*args, **kwargs) int

Overloading the parent method from pluggy to add conda specific exceptions.

See pluggy.PluginManager.load_setuptools_entrypoints() for more information.

get_plugin_manager() conda.plugins.manager.CondaPluginManager

Get a cached version of the CondaPluginManager instance, with the built-in and the entrypoints provided plugins loaded.