=============== Request Headers =============== The request headers plugin hooks allows plugin authors to add custom HTTP headers to HTTP requests within conda. This works by inserting these headers while preparing the `requests.PreparedRequest`_ object when calling `requests.Session.request`_. There are two hooks available for this purpose: 1. :func:`~conda.plugins.hookspec.CondaSpecs.conda_session_headers`: This hook is used to define the custom headers that will be submitted with all HTTP requests (or a subset of hosts) 2. :func:`~conda.plugins.hookspec.CondaSpecs.conda_request_headers`: This hook is used to define the custom headers that will be submitted with a specific HTTP request. .. warning:: While the second hook (:func:`~conda.plugins.hookspec.CondaSpecs.conda_request_headers`) can also create session headers, it is recommended to use the first hook (:func:`~conda.plugins.hookspec.CondaSpecs.conda_session_headers`) for improved caching performance. .. autoapifunction:: conda.plugins.hookspec.CondaSpecs.conda_request_headers .. autoapifunction:: conda.plugins.hookspec.CondaSpecs.conda_session_headers Both hook use the :class:`~conda.plugins.CondaRequestHeader` class to define headers: .. autoapiclass:: conda.plugins.types.CondaRequestHeader :members: :undoc-members: .. _requests.PreparedRequest: https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/api/#requests.PreparedRequest .. _requests.Session.request: https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/api/#requests.Session.request