Command reference

Conda provides many commands for managing packages and environments. The links on this page provide help for each command. You can also access help from the command line with the --help flag:

conda install --help

Conda general commands

The following commands are part of conda:

Conda vs. pip vs. virtualenv commands

If you have used pip and virtualenv in the past, you can use conda to perform all of the same operations. Pip is a package manager, and virtualenv is an environment manager. Conda is both.

Task Conda package and environment manager command Pip package manager command Virtualenv environment manager command
Install a package conda install $PACKAGE_NAME pip install $PACKAGE_NAME X
Update a package conda update --name $ENVIRONMENT_NAME $PACKAGE_NAME pip install --upgrade $PACKAGE_NAME X
Update package manager conda update conda Linux/macOS: pip install -U pip Win: python -m pip install -U pip X
Uninstall a package conda remove --name $ENVIRONMENT_NAME $PACKAGE_NAME pip uninstall $PACKAGE_NAME X
Create an environment conda create --name $ENVIRONMENT_NAME python X cd $ENV_BASE_DIR; virtualenv $ENVIRONMENT_NAME
Activate an environment source activate $ENVIRONMENT_NAME X source $ENV_BASE_DIR/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/bin/activate
Deactivate an environment source deactivate X deactivate
Search available packages conda search $SEARCH_TERM pip search $SEARCH_TERM X
Install package from specific source conda install --channel $URL $PACKAGE_NAME pip install --index-url $URL $PACKAGE_NAME X
List installed packages conda list --name $ENVIRONMENT_NAME pip list X
Create requirements file conda list --export pip freeze X
List all environments conda info --envs X Install virtualenv wrapper, then lsvirtualenv
Install other package manager conda install pip pip install conda X
Install Python conda install python=x.x X X
Update Python conda update python* X X

* conda update python updates to the most recent in the series, so any Python 2.x would update to the latest 2.x and any Python 3.x to the latest 3.x.