======== Commands ======== Conda provides many commands for managing packages and environments. The links on this page provide help for each command. You can also access help from the command line with the ``--help`` flag: .. code-block:: bash conda install --help The following commands are part of conda: .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 2 clean compare config create doctor env/index info init install list notices package remove rename run search update Conda vs. pip vs. virtualenv commands ===================================== If you have used pip and virtualenv in the past, you can use conda to perform all of the same operations. Pip is a package manager and virtualenv is an environment manager. conda is both. Scroll to the right to see the entire table. .. list-table:: :widths: 5 15 15 15 :header-rows: 1 * - Task - Conda package and environment manager command - Pip package manager command - Virtualenv environment manager command * - Install a package - ``conda install $PACKAGE_NAME`` - ``pip install $PACKAGE_NAME`` - X * - Update a package - ``conda update --name $ENVIRONMENT_NAME $PACKAGE_NAME`` - ``pip install --upgrade $PACKAGE_NAME`` - X * - Update package manager - ``conda update conda`` - Linux/macOS: ``pip install -U pip`` Win: ``python -m pip install -U pip`` - X * - Uninstall a package - ``conda remove --name $ENVIRONMENT_NAME $PACKAGE_NAME`` - ``pip uninstall $PACKAGE_NAME`` - X * - Create an environment - ``conda create --name $ENVIRONMENT_NAME python`` - X - ``cd $ENV_BASE_DIR; virtualenv $ENVIRONMENT_NAME`` * - Activate an environment - ``conda activate $ENVIRONMENT_NAME``\* - X - ``source $ENV_BASE_DIR/$ENVIRONMENT_NAME/bin/activate`` * - Deactivate an environment - ``conda deactivate`` - X - ``deactivate`` * - Search available packages - ``conda search $SEARCH_TERM`` - ``pip search $SEARCH_TERM`` - X * - Install package from specific source - ``conda install --channel $URL $PACKAGE_NAME`` - ``pip install --index-url $URL $PACKAGE_NAME`` - X * - List installed packages - ``conda list --name $ENVIRONMENT_NAME`` - ``pip list`` - X * - Create requirements file - ``conda list --export`` - ``pip freeze`` - X * - List all environments - ``conda info --envs`` - X - Install virtualenv wrapper, then ``lsvirtualenv`` * - Install other package manager - ``conda install pip`` - ``pip install conda`` - X * - Install Python - ``conda install python=x.x`` - X - X * - Update Python - ``conda update python``\* - X - X \* ``conda activate`` only works on conda 4.6 and later versions. For conda versions prior to 4.6, type: * Windows: ``activate`` * Linux and macOS: ``source activate`` \* ``conda update python`` updates to the most recent in the series, so any Python 2.x would update to the latest 2.x and any Python 3.x to the latest 3.x. .. Show what files a package has installed ``pip show --files $PACKAGE_NAME`` not possible .. Print details on an individual package ``pip show $PACKAGE_NAME`` not possible .. List available environments not possible ``conda info -e`` .. #user will want to pass that through ``tail -n +3 | awk '{print $1;}'``