:py:mod:`envs_manager` ====================== .. py:module:: conda.core.envs_manager .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Tools for managing conda environments. Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.core.envs_manager.get_user_environments_txt_file conda.core.envs_manager.register_env conda.core.envs_manager.unregister_env conda.core.envs_manager.list_all_known_prefixes conda.core.envs_manager.query_all_prefixes conda.core.envs_manager._clean_environments_txt conda.core.envs_manager._rewrite_environments_txt .. py:function:: get_user_environments_txt_file(userhome: str = '~') -> str Gets the path to the user's environments.txt file. :param userhome: The home directory of the user. :type userhome: str :return: Path to the environments.txt file. :rtype: str .. py:function:: register_env(location: str) -> None Registers an environment by adding it to environments.txt file. :param location: The file path of the environment to register. :type location: str :return: None .. py:function:: unregister_env(location: str) -> None Unregisters an environment by removing its entry from the environments.txt file if certain conditions are met. The environment is only unregistered if its associated 'conda-meta' directory exists and contains no significant files other than 'history'. If these conditions are met, the environment's path is removed from environments.txt. :param location: The file path of the environment to unregister. :type location: str :return: None .. py:function:: list_all_known_prefixes() -> list[str] Lists all known conda environment prefixes. :return: A list of all known conda environment prefixes. :rtype: List[str] .. py:function:: query_all_prefixes(spec: str) -> collections.abc.Iterator[tuple[str, tuple]] Queries all known prefixes for a given specification. :param spec: The specification to query for. :type spec: str :return: An iterator of tuples containing the prefix and the query results. :rtype: Iterator[Tuple[str, Tuple]] .. py:function:: _clean_environments_txt(environments_txt_file: str, remove_location: str | None = None) -> tuple[str, Ellipsis] Cleans the environments.txt file by removing specified locations. :param environments_txt_file: The file path of environments.txt. :param remove_location: Optional location to remove from the file. :type environments_txt_file: str :type remove_location: Optional[str] :return: A tuple of the cleaned lines. :rtype: Tuple[str, ...] .. py:function:: _rewrite_environments_txt(environments_txt_file: str, prefixes: list[str]) -> None Rewrites the environments.txt file with the specified prefixes. :param environments_txt_file: The file path of environments.txt. :param prefixes: List of prefixes to write into the file. :type environments_txt_file: str :type prefixes: List[str] :return: None