:py:mod:`enums` =============== .. py:module:: conda.models.enums .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Collection of enums used throughout conda. Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.models.enums.Arch conda.models.enums.Platform conda.models.enums.FileMode conda.models.enums.LinkType conda.models.enums.PathType conda.models.enums.PackageType conda.models.enums.NoarchType .. py:class:: Arch(*args, **kwds) Bases: :py:obj:`enum.Enum` Create a collection of name/value pairs. Example enumeration: >>> class Color(Enum): ... RED = 1 ... BLUE = 2 ... GREEN = 3 Access them by: - attribute access: >>> Color.RED - value lookup: >>> Color(1) - name lookup: >>> Color['RED'] Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have: >>> len(Color) 3 >>> list(Color) [, , ] Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own attributes -- see the documentation for details. .. py:attribute:: x86 :value: 'x86' .. py:attribute:: x86_64 :value: 'x86_64' .. py:attribute:: arm64 :value: 'arm64' .. py:attribute:: armv6l :value: 'armv6l' .. py:attribute:: armv7l :value: 'armv7l' .. py:attribute:: aarch64 :value: 'aarch64' .. py:attribute:: ppc64 :value: 'ppc64' .. py:attribute:: ppc64le :value: 'ppc64le' .. py:attribute:: riscv64 :value: 'riscv64' .. py:attribute:: s390x :value: 's390x' .. py:attribute:: wasm32 :value: 'wasm32' .. py:attribute:: z :value: 'z' .. py:method:: from_sys() :classmethod: .. py:method:: __json__() .. py:class:: Platform(*args, **kwds) Bases: :py:obj:`enum.Enum` Create a collection of name/value pairs. Example enumeration: >>> class Color(Enum): ... RED = 1 ... BLUE = 2 ... GREEN = 3 Access them by: - attribute access: >>> Color.RED - value lookup: >>> Color(1) - name lookup: >>> Color['RED'] Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have: >>> len(Color) 3 >>> list(Color) [, , ] Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own attributes -- see the documentation for details. .. py:attribute:: freebsd :value: 'freebsd' .. py:attribute:: linux :value: 'linux' .. py:attribute:: win :value: 'win32' .. py:attribute:: openbsd :value: 'openbsd5' .. py:attribute:: osx :value: 'darwin' .. py:attribute:: zos :value: 'zos' .. py:attribute:: emscripten :value: 'emscripten' .. py:attribute:: wasi :value: 'wasi' .. py:method:: from_sys() :classmethod: .. py:method:: __json__() .. py:class:: FileMode(*args, **kwds) Bases: :py:obj:`enum.Enum` Create a collection of name/value pairs. Example enumeration: >>> class Color(Enum): ... RED = 1 ... BLUE = 2 ... GREEN = 3 Access them by: - attribute access: >>> Color.RED - value lookup: >>> Color(1) - name lookup: >>> Color['RED'] Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have: >>> len(Color) 3 >>> list(Color) [, , ] Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own attributes -- see the documentation for details. .. py:attribute:: text :value: 'text' .. py:attribute:: binary :value: 'binary' .. py:method:: __str__() Return str(self). .. py:class:: LinkType(*args, **kwds) Bases: :py:obj:`enum.Enum` Create a collection of name/value pairs. Example enumeration: >>> class Color(Enum): ... RED = 1 ... BLUE = 2 ... GREEN = 3 Access them by: - attribute access: >>> Color.RED - value lookup: >>> Color(1) - name lookup: >>> Color['RED'] Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have: >>> len(Color) 3 >>> list(Color) [, , ] Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own attributes -- see the documentation for details. .. py:attribute:: hardlink :value: 1 .. py:attribute:: softlink :value: 2 .. py:attribute:: copy :value: 3 .. py:attribute:: directory :value: 4 .. py:method:: __int__() .. py:method:: __str__() Return str(self). .. py:method:: __json__() .. py:class:: PathType(*args, **kwds) Bases: :py:obj:`enum.Enum` Refers to if the file in question is hard linked or soft linked. Originally designed to be used in paths.json .. py:attribute:: hardlink :value: 'hardlink' .. py:attribute:: softlink :value: 'softlink' .. py:attribute:: directory :value: 'directory' .. py:attribute:: linked_package_record :value: 'linked_package_record' .. py:attribute:: pyc_file :value: 'pyc_file' .. py:attribute:: unix_python_entry_point :value: 'unix_python_entry_point' .. py:attribute:: windows_python_entry_point_script :value: 'windows_python_entry_point_script' .. py:attribute:: windows_python_entry_point_exe :value: 'windows_python_entry_point_exe' .. py:method:: basic_types() .. py:method:: __str__() Return str(self). .. py:method:: __json__() .. py:class:: PackageType(*args, **kwds) Bases: :py:obj:`enum.Enum` Create a collection of name/value pairs. Example enumeration: >>> class Color(Enum): ... RED = 1 ... BLUE = 2 ... GREEN = 3 Access them by: - attribute access: >>> Color.RED - value lookup: >>> Color(1) - name lookup: >>> Color['RED'] Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have: >>> len(Color) 3 >>> list(Color) [, , ] Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own attributes -- see the documentation for details. .. py:attribute:: NOARCH_GENERIC :value: 'noarch_generic' .. py:attribute:: NOARCH_PYTHON :value: 'noarch_python' .. py:attribute:: VIRTUAL_PRIVATE_ENV :value: 'virtual_private_env' .. py:attribute:: VIRTUAL_PYTHON_WHEEL :value: 'virtual_python_wheel' .. py:attribute:: VIRTUAL_PYTHON_EGG_MANAGEABLE :value: 'virtual_python_egg_manageable' .. py:attribute:: VIRTUAL_PYTHON_EGG_UNMANAGEABLE :value: 'virtual_python_egg_unmanageable' .. py:attribute:: VIRTUAL_PYTHON_EGG_LINK :value: 'virtual_python_egg_link' .. py:attribute:: VIRTUAL_SYSTEM :value: 'virtual_system' .. py:method:: conda_package_types() :staticmethod: .. py:method:: unmanageable_package_types() :staticmethod: .. py:class:: NoarchType(*args, **kwds) Bases: :py:obj:`enum.Enum` Create a collection of name/value pairs. Example enumeration: >>> class Color(Enum): ... RED = 1 ... BLUE = 2 ... GREEN = 3 Access them by: - attribute access: >>> Color.RED - value lookup: >>> Color(1) - name lookup: >>> Color['RED'] Enumerations can be iterated over, and know how many members they have: >>> len(Color) 3 >>> list(Color) [, , ] Methods can be added to enumerations, and members can have their own attributes -- see the documentation for details. .. py:attribute:: generic :value: 'generic' .. py:attribute:: python :value: 'python' .. py:method:: coerce(val) :staticmethod: