:py:mod:`utils` =============== .. py:module:: conda.utils .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Utility functions. Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.utils.unix_path_to_win conda.utils.win_path_to_cygwin conda.utils.cygwin_path_to_win conda.utils.translate_stream conda.utils.human_bytes conda.utils.sys_prefix_unfollowed conda.utils.quote_for_shell conda.utils.massage_arguments conda.utils.wrap_subprocess_call conda.utils.get_comspec conda.utils.ensure_dir_exists Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.utils._UNIX_SHELL_BASE conda.utils._MSYS2_SHELL_BASE conda.utils._SHELLS conda.utils._RE_UNSAFE .. py:function:: unix_path_to_win(path, root_prefix='') Convert a path or :-separated string of paths into a Windows representation Does not add cygdrive. If you need that, set root_prefix to "/cygdrive" .. py:function:: win_path_to_cygwin(path) .. py:function:: cygwin_path_to_win(path) .. py:function:: translate_stream(stream, translator) .. py:function:: human_bytes(n) Return the number of bytes n in more human readable form. .. rubric:: Examples >>> human_bytes(42) '42 B' >>> human_bytes(1042) '1 KB' >>> human_bytes(10004242) '9.5 MB' >>> human_bytes(100000004242) '93.13 GB' .. py:data:: _UNIX_SHELL_BASE .. py:data:: _MSYS2_SHELL_BASE .. py:data:: _SHELLS .. py:function:: sys_prefix_unfollowed() Since conda is installed into non-root environments as a symlink only and because sys.prefix follows symlinks, this function can be used to get the 'unfollowed' sys.prefix. This value is usually the same as the prefix of the environment into which conda has been symlinked. An example of when this is necessary is when conda looks for external sub-commands in find_commands.py .. py:function:: quote_for_shell(*arguments) Properly quote arguments for command line passing. For POSIX uses `shlex.join`, for Windows uses a custom implementation to properly escape metacharacters. :param arguments: Arguments to quote. :type arguments: list of str :return: Quoted arguments. :rtype: str .. py:data:: _RE_UNSAFE .. py:function:: massage_arguments(arguments, errors='assert') .. py:function:: wrap_subprocess_call(root_prefix, prefix, dev_mode, debug_wrapper_scripts, arguments, use_system_tmp_path=False) .. py:function:: get_comspec() Returns COMSPEC from envvars. Ensures COMSPEC envvar is set to cmd.exe, if not attempt to find it. :raises KeyError: COMSPEC is undefined and cannot be found. :returns: COMSPEC value. :rtype: str .. py:function:: ensure_dir_exists(func) Ensures that the directory exists for functions returning a Path object containing a directory