============= Auth Handlers ============= The auth handlers plugin hook allows plugin authors to enable new modes of authentication within conda. Registered auth handlers will be available to configure on a per channel basis via the ``channel_settings`` configuration option in the ``.condarc`` file. Auth handlers are subclasses of the :class:`~conda.plugins.types.ChannelAuthBase` class, which is itself a subclass of `requests.auth.AuthBase`_. The :class:`~conda.plugins.types.ChannelAuthBase` class adds an additional ``channel_name`` property to the `requests.auth.AuthBase`_ class. This is necessary for appropriate handling of channel based authentication in conda. For more information on how to implement your own auth handlers, please read the requests documentation on `Custom Authentication`_. .. autoapiclass:: conda.plugins.types.CondaAuthHandler :members: :undoc-members: .. autoapifunction:: conda.plugins.hookspec.CondaSpecs.conda_auth_handlers .. _requests.auth.AuthBase: https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/api/#requests.auth.AuthBase .. _Custom Authentication: https://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#custom-authentication