Installing on Windows
#. Download the installer:
* `Miniconda installer for
Windows `__
* `Anaconda Distribution installer for
Windows `__
* `Miniforge installer for Windows `_
#. :ref:`Verify your installer hashes `.
#. Double-click the ``.exe`` file.
#. Follow the instructions on the screen.
If you are unsure about any setting, accept the defaults. You
can change them later.
When installation is finished, from the **Start** menu, open either the Anaconda Command Prompt (cmd.exe)
if using Miniconda or Anaconda Distribution, and the Miniforge Command Prompt if using Miniforge. Powershell
prompts are also available.
#. Test your installation. In your terminal window, run the command ``conda list``. A list of
installed packages appears if it has been installed correctly.
.. _install-win-silent:
Installing in silent mode
.. note::
The following instructions are for Miniconda but should also work
for the Anaconda Distribution or Miniforge installers.
.. note::
As of ``Anaconda Distribution 2022.05`` and ``Miniconda 4.12.0``, the option to add Anaconda
to the PATH environment variable during an **All Users** installation has been disabled. This
was done to address `a security exploit `_.
You can still add Anaconda to the PATH environment variable during a **Just Me** installation.
To run the the Windows installer for Miniconda in
:ref:`silent mode `, use the ``/S``
argument. The following optional arguments are supported:
* ``/InstallationType=[JustMe|AllUsers]``---Default is ``JustMe``.
* ``/AddToPath=[0|1]``---Default is ``0``
* ``/RegisterPython=[0|1]``---Make this the system's default
``0`` indicates Python won't be registered as the system's default. ``1``
indicates Python will be registered as the system's default.
* ``/S``---Install in silent mode.
* ``/D=``---Destination installation path.
Must be the last argument. Do not wrap in quotation marks.
Required if you use ``/S``.
All arguments are case-sensitive.
**Example:** The following command installs Miniconda for the
current user without registering Python as the system's default:
.. code-block:: bat
start /wait "" Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe /InstallationType=JustMe /RegisterPython=0 /S /D=%UserProfile%\Miniconda3
Updating conda
#. Open Command Prompt or PowerShell from the start menu.
#. Run ``conda update conda``.
Uninstalling conda
#. In the Windows Control Panel, click Add or Remove Program.
#. Select Python X.X (Miniconda), where X.X is your version of Python.
#. Click Remove Program.
.. note::
Removing a program is different in Windows 10.