:py:mod:`activate` ================== .. py:module:: conda.activate .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Conda activate and deactivate logic. Implementation for all shell interface logic exposed via `conda shell.* [activate|deactivate|reactivate|hook|commands]`. This includes a custom argument parser, an abstract shell class, and special path handling for Windows. See conda.cli.main.main_sourced for the entry point into this module. Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.activate._Activator conda.activate.PosixActivator conda.activate.CshActivator conda.activate.XonshActivator conda.activate.CmdExeActivator conda.activate.FishActivator conda.activate.PowerShellActivator conda.activate.JSONFormatMixin Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.activate.expand conda.activate.ensure_binary conda.activate.ensure_fs_path_encoding conda.activate.backslash_to_forwardslash conda.activate._build_activator_cls Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.activate.BUILTIN_COMMANDS conda.activate.activator_map conda.activate.formatter_map .. py:data:: BUILTIN_COMMANDS .. py:class:: _Activator(arguments=None) .. py:attribute:: pathsep_join :type: str .. py:attribute:: sep :type: str .. py:attribute:: path_conversion :type: collections.abc.Callable[[str | collections.abc.Iterable[str] | None], str | tuple[str, Ellipsis] | None] .. py:attribute:: script_extension :type: str .. py:attribute:: tempfile_extension :type: str | None .. py:attribute:: command_join :type: str .. py:attribute:: unset_var_tmpl :type: str .. py:attribute:: export_var_tmpl :type: str .. py:attribute:: set_var_tmpl :type: str .. py:attribute:: run_script_tmpl :type: str .. py:attribute:: hook_source_path :type: pathlib.Path | None .. py:method:: get_export_unset_vars(export_metavars=True, **kwargs) :param export_metavars: whether to export `conda_exe_vars` meta variables. :param kwargs: environment variables to export. .. if you pass and set any other variable to None, then it emits it to the dict with a value of None. :return: A dict of env vars to export ordered the same way as kwargs. And a list of env vars to unset. .. py:method:: add_export_unset_vars(export_vars, unset_vars, **kwargs) .. py:method:: get_scripts_export_unset_vars(**kwargs) -> tuple[str, str] .. py:method:: _finalize(commands, ext) .. py:method:: activate() .. py:method:: deactivate() .. py:method:: reactivate() .. py:method:: hook(auto_activate_base: bool | None = None) -> str .. py:method:: execute() .. py:method:: commands() Returns a list of possible subcommands that are valid immediately following `conda` at the command line. This method is generally only used by tab-completion. .. py:method:: _hook_preamble() -> str | None :abstractmethod: .. py:method:: _hook_postamble() -> str | None .. py:method:: _parse_and_set_args() -> None .. py:method:: _yield_commands(cmds_dict) .. py:method:: build_activate(env_name_or_prefix) .. py:method:: build_stack(env_name_or_prefix) .. py:method:: _build_activate_stack(env_name_or_prefix, stack) .. py:method:: build_deactivate() .. py:method:: build_reactivate() .. py:method:: _get_starting_path_list() .. py:method:: _get_path_dirs(prefix) .. py:method:: _add_prefix_to_path(prefix, starting_path_dirs=None) .. py:method:: _remove_prefix_from_path(prefix, starting_path_dirs=None) .. py:method:: _replace_prefix_in_path(old_prefix, new_prefix, starting_path_dirs=None) .. py:method:: _update_prompt(set_vars, conda_prompt_modifier) .. py:method:: _default_env(prefix) .. py:method:: _prompt_modifier(prefix, conda_default_env) .. py:method:: _get_activate_scripts(prefix) .. py:method:: _get_deactivate_scripts(prefix) .. py:method:: _get_environment_env_vars(prefix) .. py:function:: expand(path) .. py:function:: ensure_binary(value) .. py:function:: ensure_fs_path_encoding(value) .. py:function:: backslash_to_forwardslash(paths: str | collections.abc.Iterable[str] | None) -> str | tuple[str, Ellipsis] | None .. py:class:: PosixActivator(arguments=None) Bases: :py:obj:`_Activator` .. py:attribute:: pathsep_join .. py:attribute:: sep :value: '/' .. py:attribute:: path_conversion .. py:attribute:: script_extension :value: '.sh' .. py:attribute:: tempfile_extension .. py:attribute:: command_join :value: '\n' .. py:attribute:: unset_var_tmpl :value: 'unset %s' .. py:attribute:: export_var_tmpl :value: "export %s='%s'" .. py:attribute:: set_var_tmpl :value: "%s='%s'" .. py:attribute:: run_script_tmpl :value: '. "%s"' .. py:attribute:: hook_source_path .. py:method:: _update_prompt(set_vars, conda_prompt_modifier) .. py:method:: _hook_preamble() -> str .. py:class:: CshActivator(arguments=None) Bases: :py:obj:`_Activator` .. py:attribute:: pathsep_join .. py:attribute:: sep :value: '/' .. py:attribute:: path_conversion .. py:attribute:: script_extension :value: '.csh' .. py:attribute:: tempfile_extension .. py:attribute:: command_join :value: ';\n' .. py:attribute:: unset_var_tmpl :value: 'unsetenv %s' .. py:attribute:: export_var_tmpl :value: 'setenv %s "%s"' .. py:attribute:: set_var_tmpl :value: "set %s='%s'" .. py:attribute:: run_script_tmpl :value: 'source "%s"' .. py:attribute:: hook_source_path .. py:method:: _update_prompt(set_vars, conda_prompt_modifier) .. py:method:: _hook_preamble() -> str .. py:class:: XonshActivator(arguments=None) Bases: :py:obj:`_Activator` .. py:attribute:: pathsep_join .. py:attribute:: sep :value: '/' .. py:attribute:: path_conversion .. py:attribute:: script_extension .. py:attribute:: tempfile_extension .. py:attribute:: command_join :value: '\n' .. py:attribute:: unset_var_tmpl :value: 'del $%s' .. py:attribute:: export_var_tmpl :value: "$%s = '%s'" .. py:attribute:: set_var_tmpl :value: "$%s = '%s'" .. py:attribute:: run_script_tmpl .. py:attribute:: hook_source_path .. py:method:: _hook_preamble() -> str .. py:class:: CmdExeActivator(arguments=None) Bases: :py:obj:`_Activator` .. py:attribute:: pathsep_join .. py:attribute:: sep :value: '\\' .. py:attribute:: path_conversion .. py:attribute:: script_extension :value: '.bat' .. py:attribute:: tempfile_extension :value: '.bat' .. py:attribute:: command_join :value: '\n' .. py:attribute:: unset_var_tmpl :value: '@SET %s=' .. py:attribute:: export_var_tmpl :value: '@SET "%s=%s"' .. py:attribute:: set_var_tmpl :value: '@SET "%s=%s"' .. py:attribute:: run_script_tmpl :value: '@CALL "%s"' .. py:attribute:: hook_source_path .. py:method:: _hook_preamble() -> None .. py:class:: FishActivator(arguments=None) Bases: :py:obj:`_Activator` .. py:attribute:: pathsep_join .. py:attribute:: sep :value: '/' .. py:attribute:: path_conversion .. py:attribute:: script_extension :value: '.fish' .. py:attribute:: tempfile_extension .. py:attribute:: command_join :value: ';\n' .. py:attribute:: unset_var_tmpl :value: 'set -e %s' .. py:attribute:: export_var_tmpl :value: 'set -gx %s "%s"' .. py:attribute:: set_var_tmpl :value: 'set -g %s "%s"' .. py:attribute:: run_script_tmpl :value: 'source "%s"' .. py:attribute:: hook_source_path .. py:method:: _hook_preamble() -> str .. py:class:: PowerShellActivator(arguments=None) Bases: :py:obj:`_Activator` .. py:attribute:: pathsep_join .. py:attribute:: sep .. py:attribute:: path_conversion .. py:attribute:: script_extension :value: '.ps1' .. py:attribute:: tempfile_extension .. py:attribute:: command_join :value: '\n' .. py:attribute:: unset_var_tmpl :value: '$Env:%s = $null' .. py:attribute:: export_var_tmpl :value: '$Env:%s = "%s"' .. py:attribute:: set_var_tmpl :value: '$Env:%s = "%s"' .. py:attribute:: run_script_tmpl :value: '. "%s"' .. py:attribute:: hook_source_path .. py:method:: _hook_preamble() -> str .. py:method:: _hook_postamble() -> str .. py:class:: JSONFormatMixin(arguments=None) Bases: :py:obj:`_Activator` Returns the necessary values for activation as JSON, so that tools can use them. .. py:attribute:: pathsep_join .. py:attribute:: tempfile_extension .. py:attribute:: command_join .. py:method:: _hook_preamble() .. py:method:: get_scripts_export_unset_vars(**kwargs) .. py:method:: _finalize(commands, ext) .. py:method:: _yield_commands(cmds_dict) .. py:data:: activator_map :type: dict[str, type[_Activator]] .. py:data:: formatter_map .. py:function:: _build_activator_cls(shell) Dynamically construct the activator class. Detect the base activator and any number of formatters (appended using '+' to the base name). For example, `posix+json` (as in `conda shell.posix+json activate`) would use the `PosixActivator` base class and add the `JSONFormatMixin`.