:py:mod:`ftp` ============= .. py:module:: conda.gateways.connection.adapters.ftp .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Defines FTP transport adapter for CondaSession (requests.Session). Taken from requests-ftp (https://github.com/Lukasa/requests-ftp/blob/master/requests_ftp/ftp.py). Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.gateways.connection.adapters.ftp.FTPAdapter Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.gateways.connection.adapters.ftp._new_makepasv conda.gateways.connection.adapters.ftp.data_callback_factory conda.gateways.connection.adapters.ftp.build_text_response conda.gateways.connection.adapters.ftp.build_binary_response conda.gateways.connection.adapters.ftp.build_response conda.gateways.connection.adapters.ftp.get_status_code_from_code_response Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.gateways.connection.adapters.ftp._old_makepasv .. py:data:: _old_makepasv .. py:function:: _new_makepasv(self) .. py:class:: FTPAdapter Bases: :py:obj:`conda.gateways.connection.BaseAdapter` A Requests Transport Adapter that handles FTP urls. .. py:method:: send(request, **kwargs) Sends a PreparedRequest object over FTP. Returns a response object. .. py:method:: close() Dispose of any internal state. .. py:method:: list(path, request) Executes the FTP LIST command on the given path. .. py:method:: retr(path, request) Executes the FTP RETR command on the given path. .. py:method:: nlst(path, request) Executes the FTP NLST command on the given path. .. py:method:: get_username_password_from_header(request) Given a PreparedRequest object, reverse the process of adding HTTP Basic auth to obtain the username and password. Allows the FTP adapter to piggyback on the basic auth notation without changing the control flow. .. py:method:: get_host_and_path_from_url(request) Given a PreparedRequest object, split the URL in such a manner as to determine the host and the path. This is a separate method to wrap some of urlparse's craziness. .. py:function:: data_callback_factory(variable) Returns a callback suitable for use by the FTP library. This callback will repeatedly save data into the variable provided to this function. This variable should be a file-like structure. .. py:function:: build_text_response(request, data, code) Build a response for textual data. .. py:function:: build_binary_response(request, data, code) Build a response for data whose encoding is unknown. .. py:function:: build_response(request, data, code, encoding) Builds a response object from the data returned by ftplib, using the specified encoding. .. py:function:: get_status_code_from_code_response(code) Handle complicated code response, even multi-lines. We get the status code in two ways: - extracting the code from the last valid line in the response - getting it from the 3 first digits in the code After a comparison between the two values, we can safely set the code or raise a warning. .. rubric:: Examples - get_status_code_from_code_response('200 Welcome') == 200 - multi_line_code = '226-File successfully transferred\n226 0.000 seconds' get_status_code_from_code_response(multi_line_code) == 226 - multi_line_with_code_conflicts = '200-File successfully transferred\n226 0.000 seconds' get_status_code_from_code_response(multi_line_with_code_conflicts) == 226 For more detail see RFC 959, page 36, on multi-line responses: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc959.txt "Thus the format for multi-line replies is that the first line will begin with the exact required reply code, followed immediately by a Hyphen, "-" (also known as Minus), followed by text. The last line will begin with the same code, followed immediately by Space , optionally some text, and the Telnet end-of-line code."