:py:mod:`match_spec` ==================== .. py:module:: conda.models.match_spec .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Implements the query language for conda packages (a.k.a, MatchSpec). The MatchSpec is the conda package specification (e.g. `conda==23.3`, `python<3.7`, `cryptography * *_0`) and is used to communicate the desired packages to install. Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.models.match_spec.MatchSpecType conda.models.match_spec.MatchSpec conda.models.match_spec.MatchInterface conda.models.match_spec._StrMatchMixin conda.models.match_spec.ExactStrMatch conda.models.match_spec.ExactLowerStrMatch conda.models.match_spec.GlobStrMatch conda.models.match_spec.GlobLowerStrMatch conda.models.match_spec.SplitStrMatch conda.models.match_spec.FeatureMatch conda.models.match_spec.ChannelMatch conda.models.match_spec.CaseInsensitiveStrMatch Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.models.match_spec._parse_version_plus_build conda.models.match_spec._parse_legacy_dist conda.models.match_spec._parse_channel conda.models.match_spec._parse_spec_str Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.models.match_spec._PARSE_CACHE conda.models.match_spec._implementors .. py:class:: MatchSpecType Bases: :py:obj:`type` .. py:method:: __call__(spec_arg=None, **kwargs) Call self as a function. .. py:class:: MatchSpec(optional=False, target=None, **kwargs) The query language for conda packages. Any of the fields that comprise a :class:`PackageRecord` can be used to compose a :class:`MatchSpec`. :class:`MatchSpec` can be composed with keyword arguments, where keys are any of the attributes of :class:`PackageRecord`. Values for keyword arguments are the exact values the attribute should match against. Many fields can also be matched against non-exact values--by including wildcard `*` and `>`/`<` ranges--where supported. Any non-specified field is the equivalent of a full wildcard match. :class:`MatchSpec` can also be composed using a single positional argument, with optional keyword arguments. Keyword arguments also override any conflicting information provided in the positional argument. The positional argument can be either an existing :class:`MatchSpec` instance or a string. Conda has historically supported more than one string representation for equivalent :class:`MatchSpec` queries. This :class:`MatchSpec` should accept any existing valid spec string, and correctly compose a :class:`MatchSpec` instance. A series of rules are now followed for creating the canonical string representation of a :class:`MatchSpec` instance. The canonical string representation can generically be represented by (channel(/subdir):(namespace):)name(version(build))[key1=value1,key2=value2] where `()` indicate optional fields. The rules for constructing a canonical string representation are: 1. `name` (i.e. "package name") is required, but its value can be '*'. Its position is always outside the key-value brackets. 2. If `version` is an exact version, it goes outside the key-value brackets and is prepended by `==`. If `version` is a "fuzzy" value (e.g. `1.11.*`), it goes outside the key-value brackets with the `.*` left off and is prepended by `=`. Otherwise `version` is included inside key-value brackets. 3. If `version` is an exact version, and `build` is an exact value, `build` goes outside key-value brackets prepended by a `=`. Otherwise, `build` goes inside key-value brackets. `build_string` is an alias for `build`. 4. The `namespace` position is being held for a future conda feature. 5. If `channel` is included and is an exact value, a `::` separator is ued between `channel` and `name`. `channel` can either be a canonical channel name or a channel url. In the canonical string representation, the canonical channel name will always be used. 6. If `channel` is an exact value and `subdir` is an exact value, `subdir` is appended to `channel` with a `/` separator. Otherwise, `subdir` is included in the key-value brackets. 7. Key-value brackets can be delimited by comma, space, or comma+space. Value can optionally be wrapped in single or double quotes, but must be wrapped if `value` contains a comma, space, or equal sign. The canonical format uses comma delimiters and single quotes. 8. When constructing a :class:`MatchSpec` instance from a string, any key-value pair given inside the key-value brackets overrides any matching parameter given outside the brackets. When :class:`MatchSpec` attribute values are simple strings, the are interpreted using the following conventions: - If the string begins with `^` and ends with `$`, it is converted to a regex. - If the string contains an asterisk (`*`), it is transformed from a glob to a regex. - Otherwise, an exact match to the string is sought. .. rubric:: Examples >>> str(MatchSpec(name='foo', build='py2*', channel='conda-forge')) 'conda-forge::foo[build=py2*]' >>> str(MatchSpec('foo 1.0 py27_0')) 'foo==1.0=py27_0' >>> str(MatchSpec('foo=1.0=py27_0')) 'foo==1.0=py27_0' >>> str(MatchSpec('conda-forge::foo[version=1.0.*]')) 'conda-forge::foo=1.0' >>> str(MatchSpec('conda-forge/linux-64::foo>=1.0')) "conda-forge/linux-64::foo[version='>=1.0']" >>> str(MatchSpec('*/linux-64::foo>=1.0')) "foo[subdir=linux-64,version='>=1.0']" To fully-specify a package with a full, exact spec, the fields - channel - subdir - name - version - build must be given as exact values. In the future, the namespace field will be added to this list. Alternatively, an exact spec is given by '*[md5=12345678901234567890123456789012]' or '*[sha256=f453db4ffe2271ec492a2913af4e61d4a6c118201f07de757df0eff769b65d2e]'. .. py:property:: is_name_only_spec .. py:property:: optional .. py:property:: target .. py:property:: original_spec_str .. py:property:: name .. py:property:: strictness .. py:property:: spec .. py:property:: version .. py:property:: fn .. py:attribute:: FIELD_NAMES :value: ('channel', 'subdir', 'name', 'version', 'build', 'build_number', 'track_features', 'features',... .. py:attribute:: FIELD_NAMES_SET .. py:attribute:: _MATCHER_CACHE .. py:method:: from_dist_str(dist_str) :classmethod: .. py:method:: get_exact_value(field_name) .. py:method:: get_raw_value(field_name) .. py:method:: get(field_name, default=None) .. py:method:: dist_str() .. py:method:: match(rec) Accepts a `PackageRecord` or a dict, and matches can pull from any field in that record. Returns True for a match, and False for no match. .. py:method:: _match_individual(record, field_name, match_component) .. py:method:: _is_simple() .. py:method:: _is_single() .. py:method:: _to_filename_do_not_use() .. py:method:: __repr__() Return repr(self). .. py:method:: __str__() Return str(self). .. py:method:: __json__() .. py:method:: conda_build_form() .. py:method:: __eq__(other) Return self==value. .. py:method:: __hash__() Return hash(self). .. py:method:: _hash_key() .. py:method:: __contains__(field) .. py:method:: _build_components(**kwargs) .. py:method:: _make_component(field_name, value) :staticmethod: .. py:method:: merge(match_specs, union=False) :classmethod: .. py:method:: union(match_specs) :classmethod: .. py:method:: _merge(other, union=False) .. py:function:: _parse_version_plus_build(v_plus_b) This should reliably pull the build string out of a version + build string combo. .. rubric:: Examples >>> _parse_version_plus_build("=1.2.3 0") ('=1.2.3', '0') >>> _parse_version_plus_build("1.2.3=0") ('1.2.3', '0') >>> _parse_version_plus_build(">=1.0 , < 2.0 py34_0") ('>=1.0,<2.0', 'py34_0') >>> _parse_version_plus_build(">=1.0 , < 2.0 =py34_0") ('>=1.0,<2.0', 'py34_0') >>> _parse_version_plus_build("=1.2.3 ") ('=1.2.3', None) >>> _parse_version_plus_build(">1.8,<2|==1.7") ('>1.8,<2|==1.7', None) >>> _parse_version_plus_build("* openblas_0") ('*', 'openblas_0') >>> _parse_version_plus_build("* *") ('*', '*') .. py:function:: _parse_legacy_dist(dist_str) .. rubric:: Examples >>> _parse_legacy_dist("_license-1.1-py27_1.tar.bz2") ('_license', '1.1', 'py27_1') >>> _parse_legacy_dist("_license-1.1-py27_1") ('_license', '1.1', 'py27_1') .. py:function:: _parse_channel(channel_val) .. py:data:: _PARSE_CACHE .. py:function:: _parse_spec_str(spec_str) .. py:class:: MatchInterface(value) .. py:property:: raw_value .. py:property:: exact_value :abstractmethod: If the match value is an exact specification, returns the value. Otherwise returns None. .. py:method:: match(other) :abstractmethod: .. py:method:: matches(value) .. py:method:: merge(other) .. py:method:: union(other) .. py:class:: _StrMatchMixin .. py:property:: exact_value .. py:method:: __str__() Return str(self). .. py:method:: __repr__() Return repr(self). .. py:method:: __eq__(other) Return self==value. .. py:method:: __hash__() Return hash(self). .. py:class:: ExactStrMatch(value) Bases: :py:obj:`_StrMatchMixin`, :py:obj:`MatchInterface` .. py:attribute:: __slots__ :value: ('_raw_value',) .. py:method:: match(other) .. py:class:: ExactLowerStrMatch(value) Bases: :py:obj:`ExactStrMatch` .. py:method:: match(other) .. py:class:: GlobStrMatch(value) Bases: :py:obj:`_StrMatchMixin`, :py:obj:`MatchInterface` .. py:property:: exact_value If the match value is an exact specification, returns the value. Otherwise returns None. .. py:property:: matches_all .. py:attribute:: __slots__ :value: ('_raw_value', '_re_match') .. py:method:: match(other) .. py:method:: merge(other) .. py:class:: GlobLowerStrMatch(value) Bases: :py:obj:`GlobStrMatch` .. py:class:: SplitStrMatch(value) Bases: :py:obj:`MatchInterface` .. py:property:: exact_value If the match value is an exact specification, returns the value. Otherwise returns None. .. py:attribute:: __slots__ :value: ('_raw_value',) .. py:method:: _convert(value) .. py:method:: match(other) .. py:method:: __repr__() Return repr(self). .. py:method:: __str__() Return str(self). .. py:method:: __eq__(other) Return self==value. .. py:method:: __hash__() Return hash(self). .. py:class:: FeatureMatch(value) Bases: :py:obj:`MatchInterface` .. py:property:: exact_value If the match value is an exact specification, returns the value. Otherwise returns None. .. py:attribute:: __slots__ :value: ('_raw_value',) .. py:method:: _convert(value) .. py:method:: match(other) .. py:method:: __repr__() Return repr(self). .. py:method:: __str__() Return str(self). .. py:method:: __eq__(other) Return self==value. .. py:method:: __hash__() Return hash(self). .. py:class:: ChannelMatch(value) Bases: :py:obj:`GlobStrMatch` .. py:method:: match(other) .. py:method:: __str__() Return str(self). .. py:method:: __repr__() Return repr(self). .. py:class:: CaseInsensitiveStrMatch(value) Bases: :py:obj:`GlobLowerStrMatch` .. py:method:: match(other) .. py:data:: _implementors