:py:mod:`views` =============== .. py:module:: conda.notices.views .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Handles all display/view logic. Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: conda.notices.views.print_notices conda.notices.views.print_notice_message conda.notices.views.print_more_notices_message .. py:function:: print_notices(channel_notices: Sequence[conda.notices.types.ChannelNotice]) Accepts a list of channel notice responses and prints a display. :param channel_notices: A sequence of ChannelNotice objects. .. py:function:: print_notice_message(notice: conda.notices.types.ChannelNotice, indent: str = ' ') -> None Prints a single channel notice. .. py:function:: print_more_notices_message(total_notices: int, displayed_notices: int, viewed_notices: int) -> None Conditionally shows a message informing users how many more message there are.