
class conda.cli.python_api.Commands
CLEAN = 'clean'
CONFIG = 'config'
CREATE = 'create'
HELP = 'help'
INFO = 'info'
INSTALL = 'install'
LIST = 'list'
REMOVE = 'remove'
SEARCH = 'search'
UPDATE = 'update'
conda.cli.python_api.run_command(command, *arguments, **kwargs)

Runs a conda command in-process with a given set of command-line interface arguments.

Differences from the command-line interface:
Always uses –yes flag, thus does not ask for confirmation.
  • command – one of the Commands.X
  • *arguments – instructions you would normally pass to the conda comamnd on the command line see below for examples
  • **kwargs

    special instructions for programmatic overrides use_exception_handler: defaults to False. False will let the code calling

    run_command handle all exceptions. True won’t raise when an exception has occured, and instead give a non-zero return code
    search_path: an optional non-standard search path for configuration information
    that overrides the default SEARCH_PATH
    stdout: Define capture behavior for stream sys.stdout. Defaults to STRING.
    STRING captures as a string. None leaves stream untouched. Otherwise redirect to file-like object stdout.
    stderr: Define capture behavior for stream sys.stderr. Defaults to STRING.
    STRING captures as a string. None leaves stream untouched. STDOUT redirects to stdout target and returns None as stderr value. Otherwise redirect to file-like object stderr.
Returns: a tuple of stdout, stderr, and return_code.
stdout, stderr are either strings, None or the corresponding file-like function argument.


>> run_command(Commands.CREATE, “-n newenv python=3 flask”, use_exception_handler=True) >> run_command(Commands.CREATE, “-n newenv”, “python=3”, “flask”) >> run_command(Commands.CREATE, [“-n newenv”, “python=3”, “flask”], search_path=())