Conda's global configuration object.
The context aggregates all configuration files, environment variables, and command line arguments into one global stateful object to be used across all of conda.
Class used to hold settings for conda plugins. |
Find the location of a prefix given a conda env name. If the location does not exist, an |
Validate if the given channel URLs are allowed based on the context's allowlist |
Run various validations to make sure prefix_name is valid |
Get the prefix to operate in. The prefix may not yet exist. |
This is used to move everything under the key "plugins" from the provided dictionary |
Adds a setting to the |
Removes all attached settings from the |
- _platform_map#
- non_x86_machines#
- _arch_names#
- user_rc_path#
- sys_rc_path#
- user_data_dir(appname: str | None = None, appauthor: str | None | Literal[False] = None, version: str | None = None, roaming: bool = False)#
- mockable_context_envs_dirs(root_writable, root_prefix, _envs_dirs)#
- channel_alias_validation(value)#
- default_python_default()#
- default_python_validation(value)#
- ssl_verify_validation(value)#
- _warn_defaults_deprecation()#
- class Context(search_path=None, argparse_args=None, **kwargs)#
- property plugin_manager: conda.plugins.manager.CondaPluginManager#
This is the preferred way of accessing the
object for this application and is located here to avoid problems with cyclical imports elsewhere in the code.
- property conda_build_local_paths#
- property conda_build_local_urls#
- property croot#
This is where source caches and work folders live
- property local_build_root#
- property conda_build#
- property arch_name#
- property platform#
- property fetch_threads: int | None#
If both are not overriden (0), return experimentally-determined value of 5
- property execute_threads#
- property subdir#
- property subdirs#
- property bits#
- property root_writable#
- property envs_dirs#
- property pkgs_dirs#
- property default_prefix#
- property active_prefix#
- property shlvl#
- property aggressive_update_packages#
- property target_prefix#
- property conda_prefix#
- property conda_exe#
- property av_data_dir#
Where critical artifact verification data (e.g., various public keys) can be found.
- property signing_metadata_url_base#
Base URL for artifact verification signing metadata (*.root.json, key_mgr.json).
- property conda_exe_vars_dict#
The vars can refer to each other if necessary since the dict is ordered. None means unset it.
- property migrated_channel_aliases#
- property prefix_specified#
- property channels#
- property config_files#
- property use_only_tar_bz2#
- property binstar_upload#
- property verbosity: int#
Verbosity level.
- For cleaner and readable code it is preferable to use the following alias properties:
context.trace context.debug context.verbose context.log_level
- property category_map#
- add_pip_as_python_dependency#
- allow_conda_downgrades#
- allow_cycles#
- allow_softlinks#
- auto_update_conda#
- auto_activate_base#
- auto_stack#
- notify_outdated_conda#
- clobber#
- changeps1#
- env_prompt#
- create_default_packages#
- register_envs#
- default_python#
- download_only#
- enable_private_envs#
- force_32bit#
- non_admin_enabled#
- pip_interop_enabled#
- _default_threads#
- _repodata_threads#
- _fetch_threads#
- _verify_threads#
- _execute_threads#
- _aggressive_update_packages#
- safety_checks#
- extra_safety_checks#
- _signing_metadata_url_base#
- path_conflict#
- pinned_packages#
- disallowed_packages#
- rollback_enabled#
- track_features#
- use_index_cache#
- separate_format_cache#
- _root_prefix#
- _envs_dirs#
- _pkgs_dirs#
- _subdir#
- _subdirs#
- local_repodata_ttl#
- ssl_verify#
- client_ssl_cert#
- client_ssl_cert_key#
- proxy_servers#
- remote_connect_timeout_secs#
- remote_read_timeout_secs#
- remote_max_retries#
- remote_backoff_factor#
- add_anaconda_token#
- allow_non_channel_urls#
- _channel_alias#
- channel_priority#
- _channels#
- channel_settings#
- _custom_channels#
- _custom_multichannels#
- _default_channels#
- _migrated_channel_aliases#
- migrated_custom_channels#
- override_channels_enabled#
- show_channel_urls#
- use_local#
- allowlist_channels#
- denylist_channels#
- restore_free_channel#
- repodata_fns#
- _use_only_tar_bz2#
- always_softlink#
- always_copy#
- always_yes#
- _debug#
- _trace#
- dev#
- dry_run#
- error_upload_url#
- force#
- json#
- _console#
- offline#
- quiet#
- ignore_pinned#
- report_errors#
- shortcuts#
- number_channel_notices#
- shortcuts#
- shortcuts_only#
- _verbosity#
- experimental#
- no_lock#
- repodata_use_zst#
- envvars_force_uppercase#
- deps_modifier#
- update_modifier#
- sat_solver#
- solver_ignore_timestamps#
- solver#
- force_remove#
- force_reinstall#
- target_prefix_override#
- unsatisfiable_hints#
- unsatisfiable_hints_check_depth#
- bld_path#
- anaconda_upload#
- _croot#
- _conda_build#
- no_plugins#
- post_build_validation()#
- plugins() PluginConfig #
Preferred way of accessing settings introduced by the settings plugin hook
- _native_subdir()#
- known_subdirs()#
- trash_dir()#
- root_prefix()#
- channel_alias()#
- default_channels()#
- custom_multichannels()#
- custom_channels()#
- solver_user_agent()#
- user_agent()#
- _override(key, value)#
TODO: This might be broken in some ways. Unsure what happens if the old value is a property and gets set to a new value. Or if the new value overrides the validation logic on the underlying ParameterLoader instance.
Investigate and implement in a safer way.
- requests_version()#
- python_implementation_name_version()#
- platform_system_release()#
- os_distribution_name_version()#
- libc_family_version()#
- get_descriptions()#
- description_map()#
- reset_context(search_path=SEARCH_PATH, argparse_args=None)#
- fresh_context(env=None, search_path=SEARCH_PATH, argparse_args=None, **kwargs)#
- class ContextStackObject(search_path=SEARCH_PATH, argparse_args=None)#
- set_value(search_path=SEARCH_PATH, argparse_args=None)#
- apply()#
- class ContextStack#
- push(search_path, argparse_args)#
- apply()#
- pop()#
- replace(search_path, argparse_args)#
- context_stack#
- stack_context(pushing, search_path=SEARCH_PATH, argparse_args=None)#
- stack_context_default(pushing, argparse_args=None)#
- replace_context(pushing=None, search_path=SEARCH_PATH, argparse_args=None)#
- replace_context_default(pushing=None, argparse_args=None)#
- conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol#
- env_name(prefix)#
- locate_prefix_by_name(name, envs_dirs=None)#
Find the location of a prefix given a conda env name. If the location does not exist, an error is raised.
- validate_channels(channels:[str]) tuple[str, Ellipsis] #
Validate if the given channel URLs are allowed based on the context's allowlist and denylist configurations.
- Parameters:
channels -- A list of channels (either URLs or names) to validate.
- Raises:
ChannelNotAllowed -- If any URL is not in the allowlist.
ChannelDenied -- If any URL is in the denylist.
- validate_prefix_name(prefix_name: str, ctx: Context, allow_base=True) str #
Run various validations to make sure prefix_name is valid
- determine_target_prefix(ctx, args=None)#
Get the prefix to operate in. The prefix may not yet exist.
- Parameters:
ctx -- the context of conda
args -- the argparse args from the command line
Returns: the prefix Raises: CondaEnvironmentNotFoundError if the prefix is invalid
- _first_writable_envs_dir()#
- get_plugin_config_data(data: dict[pathlib.Path, dict[str, conda.common.configuration.RawParameter]]) dict[pathlib.Path, dict[str, conda.common.configuration.RawParameter]] #
This is used to move everything under the key "plugins" from the provided dictionary to the top level of the returned dictionary. The returned dictionary is then passed to
- class PluginConfig(data)#
Class used to hold settings for conda plugins.
The object created by this class should only be accessed via
.When this class is updated via the
function it adds new setting properties which can be accessed later via the context object.We currently call that function in
. becauseCondaPluginManager
has access to all registered plugin settings via the settings plugin hook.
- add_plugin_setting(name: str, parameter: conda.common.configuration.Parameter, aliases: tuple[str, Ellipsis] = ())#
Adds a setting to the
- remove_all_plugin_settings() None #
Removes all attached settings from the
- context#