A generalized application configuration utility.
- Features include:
lazy eval
merges configuration files
parameter type validation, with custom validation
parameter aliases
Easily extensible to other source formats, e.g. json and ini
Generic enumeration. |
Wraps a default value as a RawParameter, for usage in ParameterLoader. |
Represents a Parameter that has been loaded with configuration value. |
LoadedParameter type that holds a single python primitive value. |
LoadedParameter type that holds a map (i.e. dict) of LoadedParameters. |
LoadedParameter type that holds a sequence (i.e. list) of LoadedParameters. |
LoadedParameter type that holds a mapping (i.e. object) of LoadedParameters. |
Dummy class to mark whether a Python object has config parameters within. |
The Parameter class represents an unloaded configuration parameter, holding type, default |
Parameter type for a Configuration class that holds a single python primitive value. |
Parameter type for a Configuration class that holds a map (i.e. dict) of Parameters. |
Parameter type for a Configuration class that holds a sequence (i.e. list) of Parameters. |
Parameter type for a Configuration class that holds an object with Parameter fields. |
ParameterLoader class contains the top level logic needed to load a parameter from start to |
metaclass for Configuration |
Expand variables in a string. |
Used to validate properties on |
- pretty_list(iterable, padding=' ')#
- pretty_map(dictionary, padding=' ')#
- expand_environment_variables(unexpanded)#
- exception ConfigurationError(message, caused_by=None, **kwargs)#
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- exception ConfigurationLoadError(path, message_addition='', **kwargs)#
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- exception ValidationError(parameter_name, parameter_value, source, msg=None, **kwargs)#
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- exception MultipleKeysError(source, keys, preferred_key)#
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- exception InvalidTypeError(parameter_name, parameter_value, source, wrong_type, valid_types, msg=None)#
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- exception CustomValidationError(parameter_name, parameter_value, source, custom_message)#
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- exception MultiValidationError(errors, *args, **kwargs)#
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- raise_errors(errors)#
- class ParameterFlag#
Generic enumeration.
Derive from this class to define new enumerations.
- final = 'final'#
- top = 'top'#
- bottom = 'bottom'#
- __str__()#
Return str(self).
- classmethod from_name(name)#
- classmethod from_value(value)#
- classmethod from_string(string)#
- class RawParameter(source, key, raw_value)#
- __repr__()#
Return repr(self).
- abstract value(parameter_obj)#
- abstract keyflag()#
- abstract valueflags(parameter_obj)#
- classmethod make_raw_parameters(source, from_map)#
- class EnvRawParameter(source, key, raw_value)#
- property __important_split_value#
- source = 'envvars'#
- value(parameter_obj)#
- keyflag()#
- valueflags(parameter_obj)#
- classmethod make_raw_parameters(appname)#
- class ArgParseRawParameter(source, key, raw_value)#
- source = 'cmd_line'#
- value(parameter_obj)#
- keyflag()#
- valueflags(parameter_obj)#
- classmethod make_raw_parameters(args_from_argparse)#
- class YamlRawParameter(source, key, raw_value, key_comment)#
- value(parameter_obj)#
- keyflag()#
- valueflags(parameter_obj)#
- static _get_yaml_key_comment(commented_dict, key)#
- classmethod _get_yaml_list_comments(value)#
- static _get_yaml_list_comment_item(item)#
- static _get_yaml_map_comments(value)#
- classmethod make_raw_parameters(source, from_map)#
- classmethod make_raw_parameters_from_file(filepath)#
- class DefaultValueRawParameter(source, key, raw_value)#
Wraps a default value as a RawParameter, for usage in ParameterLoader.
- value(parameter_obj)#
- keyflag()#
- valueflags(parameter_obj)#
- class LoadedParameter(name, value, key_flag, value_flags, validation=None)#
Represents a Parameter that has been loaded with configuration value.
- Parameters:
name (str) -- name of the loaded parameter
value (LoadedParameter or primitive) -- the value of the loaded parameter
key_flag (ParameterFlag or None) -- priority flag for the parameter itself
value_flags (Any or None) -- priority flags for the parameter values
validation (callable) -- Given a parameter value as input, return a boolean indicating validity, or alternately return a string describing an invalid value.
- _type#
- _element_type#
- __eq__(other)#
Return self==value.
- __hash__()#
Return hash(self).
- collect_errors(instance, typed_value, source='<<merged>>')#
Validate a LoadedParameter typed value.
- Parameters:
instance (Configuration) -- the instance object used to create the LoadedParameter.
typed_value (Any) -- typed value to validate.
source (str) -- string description for the source of the typed_value.
- expand()#
Recursively expands any environment values in the Loaded Parameter.
Returns: LoadedParameter
- abstract merge(matches)#
Recursively merges matches into one LoadedParameter.
- Parameters:
matches (List<LoadedParameter>) -- list of matches of this parameter.
Returns: LoadedParameter
- typify(source)#
Recursively types a LoadedParameter.
- Parameters:
source (str) -- string describing the source of the LoadedParameter.
Returns: a primitive, sequence, or map representing the typed value.
- static _typify_data_structure(value, source, type_hint=None)#
- static _match_key_is_important(loaded_parameter)#
- static _first_important_matches(matches)#
- class PrimitiveLoadedParameter(name, element_type, value, key_flag, value_flags, validation=None)#
LoadedParameter type that holds a single python primitive value.
The python primitive types are str, int, float, complex, bool, and NoneType. In addition, python 2 has long and unicode types.
- Parameters:
- __eq__(other)#
Return self==value.
- __hash__()#
Return hash(self).
- merge(matches)#
Recursively merges matches into one LoadedParameter.
- Parameters:
matches (List<LoadedParameter>) -- list of matches of this parameter.
Returns: LoadedParameter
- class MapLoadedParameter(name, value, element_type, key_flag, value_flags, validation=None)#
LoadedParameter type that holds a map (i.e. dict) of LoadedParameters.
- Parameters:
value (Mapping) -- Map of string keys to LoadedParameter values.
element_type (Parameter) -- The Parameter type that is held in value.
value_flags (Mapping) -- Map of priority value flags.
- _type#
- collect_errors(instance, typed_value, source='<<merged>>')#
Validate a LoadedParameter typed value.
- Parameters:
instance (Configuration) -- the instance object used to create the LoadedParameter.
typed_value (Any) -- typed value to validate.
source (str) -- string description for the source of the typed_value.
- merge(parameters:[MapLoadedParameter]) MapLoadedParameter #
Recursively merges matches into one LoadedParameter.
- Parameters:
matches (List<LoadedParameter>) -- list of matches of this parameter.
Returns: LoadedParameter
- class SequenceLoadedParameter(name, value, element_type, key_flag, value_flags, validation=None)#
LoadedParameter type that holds a sequence (i.e. list) of LoadedParameters.
- Parameters:
value (Sequence) -- Sequence of LoadedParameter values.
element_type (Parameter) -- The Parameter type that is held in the sequence.
value_flags (Sequence) -- Sequence of priority value_flags.
- _type#
- collect_errors(instance, typed_value, source='<<merged>>')#
Validate a LoadedParameter typed value.
- Parameters:
instance (Configuration) -- the instance object used to create the LoadedParameter.
typed_value (Any) -- typed value to validate.
source (str) -- string description for the source of the typed_value.
- merge(matches)#
Recursively merges matches into one LoadedParameter.
- Parameters:
matches (List<LoadedParameter>) -- list of matches of this parameter.
Returns: LoadedParameter
- class ObjectLoadedParameter(name, value, element_type, key_flag, value_flags, validation=None)#
LoadedParameter type that holds a mapping (i.e. object) of LoadedParameters.
- Parameters:
value (Sequence) -- Object with LoadedParameter fields.
element_type (object) -- The Parameter type that is held in the sequence.
value_flags (Sequence) -- Sequence of priority value_flags.
- _type#
- collect_errors(instance, typed_value, source='<<merged>>')#
Validate a LoadedParameter typed value.
- Parameters:
instance (Configuration) -- the instance object used to create the LoadedParameter.
typed_value (Any) -- typed value to validate.
source (str) -- string description for the source of the typed_value.
- merge(parameters:[ObjectLoadedParameter]) ObjectLoadedParameter #
Recursively merges matches into one LoadedParameter.
- Parameters:
matches (List<LoadedParameter>) -- list of matches of this parameter.
Returns: LoadedParameter
- class ConfigurationObject#
Dummy class to mark whether a Python object has config parameters within.
- to_json()#
Return a serializable object with defaults filled in
- class Parameter(default, validation=None)#
The Parameter class represents an unloaded configuration parameter, holding type, default and validation information until the parameter is loaded with a configuration.
- Parameters:
default (Any) -- the typed, python representation default value given if the Parameter is not found in a Configuration.
validation (callable) -- Given a parameter value as input, return a boolean indicating validity, or alternately return a string describing an invalid value.
- property default#
Returns a DefaultValueRawParameter that wraps the actual default value.
- _type#
- _element_type#
- get_all_matches(name, names, instance)#
Finds all matches of a Parameter in a Configuration instance
- Parameters:
name (str) -- canonical name of the parameter to search for
instance (Configuration) -- instance of the configuration to search within
Returns (List(RawParameter)): matches of the parameter found in the configuration.
- abstract load(name, match)#
Loads a Parameter with the value in a RawParameter.
- Parameters:
name (str) -- name of the parameter to pass through
match (RawParameter) -- the value of the RawParameter match
Returns a LoadedParameter
- typify(name, source, value)#
- class PrimitiveParameter(default, element_type=None, validation=None)#
Parameter type for a Configuration class that holds a single python primitive value.
The python primitive types are str, int, float, complex, bool, and NoneType. In addition, python 2 has long and unicode types.
- Parameters:
- load(name, match)#
Loads a Parameter with the value in a RawParameter.
- Parameters:
name (str) -- name of the parameter to pass through
match (RawParameter) -- the value of the RawParameter match
Returns a LoadedParameter
- class MapParameter(element_type, default=frozendict(), validation=None)#
Parameter type for a Configuration class that holds a map (i.e. dict) of Parameters.
- Parameters:
element_type (Parameter) -- The Parameter type held in the MapParameter.
default (Mapping) -- The parameter's default value. If None, will be an empty dict.
- _type#
- get_all_matches(name, names, instance)#
Finds all matches of a Parameter in a Configuration instance
- Parameters:
name (str) -- canonical name of the parameter to search for
instance (Configuration) -- instance of the configuration to search within
Returns (List(RawParameter)): matches of the parameter found in the configuration.
- load(name, match)#
Loads a Parameter with the value in a RawParameter.
- Parameters:
name (str) -- name of the parameter to pass through
match (RawParameter) -- the value of the RawParameter match
Returns a LoadedParameter
- class SequenceParameter(element_type, default=(), validation=None, string_delimiter=',')#
Parameter type for a Configuration class that holds a sequence (i.e. list) of Parameters.
- Parameters:
- _type#
- get_all_matches(name, names, instance)#
Finds all matches of a Parameter in a Configuration instance
- Parameters:
name (str) -- canonical name of the parameter to search for
instance (Configuration) -- instance of the configuration to search within
Returns (List(RawParameter)): matches of the parameter found in the configuration.
- load(name, match)#
Loads a Parameter with the value in a RawParameter.
- Parameters:
name (str) -- name of the parameter to pass through
match (RawParameter) -- the value of the RawParameter match
Returns a LoadedParameter
- class ObjectParameter(element_type, default=ConfigurationObject(), validation=None)#
Parameter type for a Configuration class that holds an object with Parameter fields.
- Parameters:
element_type (object) -- The object type with parameter fields held in ObjectParameter.
default (Sequence) -- default value, empty tuple if not given.
- _type#
- get_all_matches(name, names, instance)#
Finds all matches of a Parameter in a Configuration instance
- Parameters:
name (str) -- canonical name of the parameter to search for
instance (Configuration) -- instance of the configuration to search within
Returns (List(RawParameter)): matches of the parameter found in the configuration.
- load(name, match)#
Loads a Parameter with the value in a RawParameter.
- Parameters:
name (str) -- name of the parameter to pass through
match (RawParameter) -- the value of the RawParameter match
Returns a LoadedParameter
- class ParameterLoader(parameter_type, aliases=(), expandvars=False)#
ParameterLoader class contains the top level logic needed to load a parameter from start to finish.
- Parameters:
- property name#
- property names#
- _set_name(name)#
- __get__(instance, instance_type)#
- _raw_parameters_from_single_source(raw_parameters)#
- static raw_parameters_from_single_source(name, names, raw_parameters)#
- CONDARC_FILENAMES = ('.condarc', 'condarc')#
- YAML_EXTENSIONS = ('.yml', '.yaml')#
- custom_expandvars(template: str, mapping:[str, Any] = {}, /, **kwargs) str #
Expand variables in a string.
Inspired by string.Template and modified to mirror os.path.expandvars functionality allowing custom variables without mutating os.environ.
Expands POSIX and Windows CMD environment variables as follows:
Invalid substitutions are left as-is:
$$ → $$
%% → %%
$ → $
% → %
- class Configuration(search_path=(), app_name=None, argparse_args=None, **kwargs)#
- static _expand_search_path(search_path:[pathlib.Path | str], **kwargs)[pathlib.Path] #
- classmethod _load_search_path(search_path:[pathlib.Path])[tuple[pathlib.Path, dict]] #
- _set_search_path(search_path:[pathlib.Path | str], **kwargs)#
- _set_env_vars(app_name=None)#
- _set_argparse_args(argparse_args)#
- _set_raw_data(raw_data:[, dict])#
- _reset_cache()#
- register_reset_callaback(callback)#
- check_source(source)#
- validate_all()#
- static _collect_validation_error(func, *args, **kwargs)#
- validate_configuration()#
- post_build_validation()#
- collect_all()#
- describe_parameter(parameter_name)#
- list_parameters()#
- typify_parameter(parameter_name, value, source)#
- abstract get_descriptions()#
- unique_sequence_map(*, unique_key: str)#
Used to validate properties on
subclasses defined as aSequenceParameter(MapParameter())
where the map contains a single key that should be regarded as unique. This decorator will handle removing duplicates and merging to a single sequence.